Monday, April 02, 2007
Several of RC's grandchildren were here for the 40th day prayers after her demise. Many of them have said how much they will miss her and about the happy times they'd had with her in Trivandrum. So for all of them I want to say that she and I had a conversation about Happiness. She told me she found it very difficult to let go and just be happy. She told me that she couldn't remember any really happy times from her childhood. So, I told her that a great deal of that is a question of attitude and I asked her whether she couldn't dredge up any really happy memories. She thought for a while and then said that among the really brightest and best memories she had were when her grandchildren came to stay with her and the when she did things with them. Every holiday, there was atleast one grandchild/children with her. I guess with them she was able to let go and relax and enjoy the simple joys of life with them. So I want all her grandkids to know that you gave her as much joy as she seemed to have given you. Here are 2 pictures of her with a grandson and great-grandchildren.