Saturday, November 11, 2006


This was in January 1948. My parents had come to Bombay to visit us. But the main purpose of their visit was to receive my younger sister, who was returning from England after completing a 2 year course in Meteorology (I expect I am correct).

We took my parents sightseeing around Bombay. (The picture above was taken at the Malabar Hill gardens during their visit.) On one of the days we were in the area of the Gateway of India, when we heard some commotion and the streets started emptying. Everybody was buying the newspapers a vendor was selling. My husband too rushed back with a newspaper and said that Gandhiji had been shot and that we must get back home immediately as there would be trouble. With 2 young children it was worrying. My husband somehow managed to get a taxi and got us home safely.

The next day the whole city seemed to be dead. There was no movement on the road and everything was silent. But my sister was arriving that day. Her ship would be coming in.

We did not possess any vehicle. But my husband went and fetched her. I do not how my husband managed to reach the ship and bring my sister back home. She could not bring her luggage with her though. The luggage was only collected much later when things started returning to normal.

Oh Mummy that was beautiful!
Were there any riots in Bombay in connection with Gandhiji's death?
Did you ever meet Gandhi when he was alive?
Did you take part in the Freedom struggle?
Hi Chandy, I am enjoying reading all your posts. It must have been a scarry time. Glad everyone was kept safe.
Love your stories from when you were younger. They help me understand what growing up in your country was like.
Hope you are feeling much better.
Hello Chandy, Just had to stop by and see how you were doing. I took a spill last week and now have to write with one finger at a time and with my left hand till my right arm heals. but I still came to see if you had posted any new stories from your past. You are such a talented writer, your stories are so interesting to read. It had to be so much harder living in your country years ago.
Wishing you all the best.
I just chanced upon this blog.Ammachi,(I use this term with respect..if my grandma was alive she would have been older than you) this is a great effort.I encourage you to write more.Because this generation is going to pass away or has already done so.hardly some remain. with your blog,these experiences are passed on to coming generations who are totally ignorant of lives and times in pre-independdence.and the best think is its out in cyber space so its not just within your family!!
My ammachi also settled in Tvm in hte 20s and 30s so have heard of some such in my childhood.I still have some ottakashu and other relics from that era.

God take care of your health!
Good luck and keep posting as long as you can!!
Hello Chandy, I am dropping in to see hiow you are doing. Hope you are feeling much better.
I am still going for therapy, but doing much better. I am hoping you are doing much better also.
Have a wonderful New Year. Thinking of you and wishing you the best.
Hi Chandy, are you still able to read the posts here? Just wanted you to know you are not forgotten and i pray you are doing better. Wishing you better health for the coming year.
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I just wanted to let all those who read this blog know that the owner of this blog, my grandmom (chandy as she is known on this blog) passed away today - Feb 13th) ever so suddenly. we are all in a bit of a shock. she was a fantastic lady - 89 years old. goodbye mummy. we miss you so much already!
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I have read this for the first time today. My elder sister Susan sent this to me y'day. We are the 2 daughters of Chandy as she was known here, on this blog.
I had seen this photo once, years ago, but did not know the story associated with it. Which brings Jan 30, 1948, so alive for us, the day Gandhiji was shot dead. And the effect it had on my mother, my 2 elder brothers and our grandparents.

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