Friday, May 04, 2007

I've been thinking about my mother alot. Firstly there was my father's first death anniversary on May 2nd. Then recently I came across videos on YouTube of some of her favourite, songs/singers, like Nat King Cole singing 'Ramblin' Rose', Joan Baez singing, and a recording of a 30s song 'Long way to Tipperary' which I know because she sang it. She particularly liked the song 'Ramblin' Rose' as sung by Nat King Cole and later, during the 60s she got to hear Joan Baez and Simon and Garfunkel through us and loved their music. Then, today when I came across a short video clip from the ballet of 'Giselle' (she loved ballet), I felt really sad that I had not been able to find these things for her before she died. She would have so enjoyed them.

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